Report: Older Adult Population Growth Surges in Certain States

The pressure that the aging of America places on the nation is not evenly distributed among all states, according to a new report on healthiest states from the United Health Foundation and American Public Health Association.

By 2030, it’s projected that more than 20 percent of the population will be age 65 and older, up from 13 percent in 2010 and just under 10 percent in 1970.

The report examines the healthiest states overall and those with a good environment for seniors. It also ranks states that are projected to have the greatest growth in populations of older adults. While Hawaii ranks number one in the America’s Health Rankings report for overall healthiest state, Vermont took the top spot when measuring the healthiest state for seniors. In the senior category, Vermont was followed by New Hampshire, Minnesota, Hawaii, and Utah.

– Aregentum

Read the full article here.