Suzanne Monroe Smith, OMA Facilitator, presented at the April 2024 TEDXFSU Conference, “Voyage of Voice.” In her TED Talk, she discussed the importance of the OMA program, her motivations for starting the program at FSU, and the impact of art on people living with dementia and their loved ones.

After the TED Talk, Suzanne and a group of OMA interns led an abstract art workshop incorporating elements of nature. The project, titled “Elemental Expressions,” is an original OMA project developed by Anna Nguyen (CPC Intern) and Suzanne. The project incorporates natural tools such as shells, feathers, and leaves, and also repurposed recycled materials. The theme of the project coincides with the theme of the TEDX Conference, which examines empowerment through art and environmental messaging. Over 50 students participated in the workshop!