Dawn Carr, an associate professor of sociology and the director of FSU’s Claude Pepper Center, and Miles Taylor, a professor of sociology and director of FSU’s Pepper Institute on Aging and Public Policy, present in a webinar Considering Racial, Ethnic, and Gender Differences When Studying Resilience organized by the Research Centers Collaborative Network (RCCN) and co-sponsored by the Clin-STAR Coordinating Center, RCMAR Coordinating Center, AGING Initiative, CDEA Coordinating Center, and Pepper OAIC Coordinating Center.
A person’s physical and psychological resilience is often thought to underlie their response to acute and chronic stressors. All of the National Institute on Aging extramural research programs have funding opportunities for studying resilience. One area that transcends all of these announcements is the importance of considering resilience in the context of disparities. This webinar focused on the importance of taking disparities into account when studying resilience. The session featured presentations from researchers studying resilience across populations and interventions to promote resilience.
The webinar speakers discussed the following:
- NIA’s disparities framework and its application to the study of resilience
- Evaluating resilience measurements in a way that allows for better understanding of resilience in the context of health disparities
- Setting expectations for responsible use of resilience measures and data for the health of diverse populations
- Religion and spiritual coping as a source of resiliency
The presentations were followed by a Q&A with the audience.